There are additional subtopic pages for AUTISM:
Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Survey of homeschoolers, funded by Merck Pharmaceuticals, reveals that vaccinated children are more likely to be diagnosed with Autism spectrum, ear infections, pneumonia, and allergies.
Dr. Margulis writes about this study:
A recent peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, provisionally published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health and assigned a DOI number (a digital object identifier given by publishers to identify content and provide a persistent link on the internet), confirmed what parents like Sarah Carrasco have observed: that completely unvaccinated children have less chronic disease and a lower risk of autism than vaccinated children.
The researchers collected health information on over 660 children from a survey conducted in 2012 of mothers of children between six and twelve years old in four states (Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon). According to the abstract, the team of four scientists found that completely unvaccinated children were significantly more likely to get chickenpox and whooping cough but significantly less likely to suffer from ear infections, pneumonia, allergies, and brain or central nervous system disorders, including autism.
- Vaccinated children were more than twice as likely to have some chronic illness.
- Vaccinated children were nearly four times as likely to have learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorder.
- Vaccinated children who were born prematurely were more than six times more likely to have brain or central nervous system disorders, including autism.
Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine
Prevention (and Theories into the Causes) of Autism from 2010
While this is a great article, be sure to note that FOLATE and Folic Acid are no the same thing. We now know that Folate is necessary for those susceptible to autism spectrum or folate deficiency issues (they are related).
Mom schools reporter on autism, vaccine court, and how they pay out for autism (video)
Mark Blaxill Testifies Before Government Affairs Committee – discusses rising numbers, heavy metals in the environment, and thoroughly discusses the concept that better diagnosis is responsible for the increase.
Encephalopathy vs Autism in Vaccine Court – Autism and Brain Damage – What’s in a Name? CBS News
Autism Data by the CDC
Per Surveys, as of 2012, and comparing 8 year olds, Autism occurs 1 in every 44 boys
CDC: Vaccines (Rarely) Trigger Autism – Sharyl Attkisson
Glutathione, Tylenol, ASD and Vaccine Adverse Reactions – List of Articles and Research
Encephalopathy and Autism, and Vaccine Court – VacTruth
Autism is Brain Damage, Vaccines Cause Brain Damage – Jane Know It All
Autism – Evidence Blog post
Why Don’t Children Regress Before 12 Months? – Vaccination News with the help of a PhD and an anonymous scientist
Dr. Thompson MMR-Autism cover-up
Reanalysis of data by Dr. Brian Hooker
News Report: CDC Admits Vaccines Can in Some Cases Trigger Autism
Mitochondrial Disorder – list of links and its connection to Autism
DSM Diagnosis of Autism (changes and updates) – Powerpoint