Risks and Side Effects

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STUDY – Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children

Dr. Jennifer Margulis put the above study into laments terms:

  • Vaccinated children were more than twice as likely to have some chronic illness.
  • Vaccinated children were nearly four times as likely to have learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorder.
  • Vaccinated children who were born prematurely were more than six times more likely to have brain or central nervous system disorders, including autism.


Biological Evidence of Significant Vaccine Related Side Effects Resulting in Induced Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Dr. Bradstreet Powerpoint

The National Health Service of England (NHS) lists Side Effects of the MMR including:
A “mild” case of Measles, Rubella and/or Mumps..
(Note: I can not find a CDC or FDA version acknowledging this)