
Hib Vaccination Did Not Decrease Cases of Hib – GreenMed Info (Cited)
“A higher proportion of cases was reported to have occurred within the first two months after vaccination, with 10 cases occurring within 72 hours of vaccination. Vaccination did not alter the expected frequencies of the different clinical entities associated with invasive H. influenzae disease. No estimates of clinical efficacy are possible based on the adverse events submitted to the Food and Drug Administration.”

Who Should Not Get the Hib Vaccine – NVIC
“In general, vaccination of children older than 59 months is not recommended, mainly because by that age the majority of children have acquired natural immunity to it.”

Hib factsheet written by DrGreenMom, using links to government websites, lists ingredients and vaccine reactions

Hib cherry picked stats


Hib Vaccine Causes Insulin Dependent Diabetes 3 Years Later
A causal association between Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine and diabetes. Autoimmunity, 2003

A causal association between Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine and diabetes. Autoimmunity, 2003

Association between type 1 diabetes and Hib vaccine. British Medical Journal, 1999

VAERS Reports Adverse Reactions for Hib Vaccination
51% of Deaths Reported as “SIDS”

British study of hib cases
82% fully vaccinated for hib

443 cases of Hib infection occurred in children eligible for vaccination; 363 (82%) were fully vaccinated. The incidence of Hib infection has been increasing predominantly in vaccinated children

VAERS received 29,747 reports after Hib vaccines
5179 (17%) were serious, including 896 reports of deaths

To date, no one has examined the global change in Hib disease epidemiology and whether Hib diseases are decreasing due to vaccination

Hib overall vaccine effectiveness was 57.6%. Effectiveness was higher in children vaccinated at >1 year of age, compared with those vaccinated during infancy. Estimated effectiveness declined beginning 2 years after vaccination, and the decline was marked in those immunized in infancy.
This decline correlates with low antibody levels observed in preschool children [7] and suggests that the immunological memory demonstrated in UK infants aged 1 year [10] may not be sufficient to provide long-term protection to all children