Also see:
MTHFR Studies
MTHFR and Pregnancy
MTHFR and the Vaccination Debate
MTHFR Support
What is MTHFR?
MTHFR Support
You Don’t Have Bad Genes – Levi Quackenboss
Well-written, simple blog explanation for the “epigenetic epidemic”
What is MTHFR and How it Affects Fertility?
Wellness Mama Blog – she advises people start your research here:
- Everything on
- What is MTHFR and why is it significant for your health? from Metabolic Healing
- What is the MTHFR genetic defect from Global Healing Center
- Stop the Thyroid Madness on MTHFR
- This podcast interview with Dr. Ben Lynch from Underground Wellness
Mechanisms of Vaccine Injury – Dr. Judy Mikovitz and Dr. Ben Lynch
Anxiety, Depression, and MTHFR
Health Nut News
Physical Symptoms of MTHFR
Beyond MTHFR
MTHFR and Cancer
The Truth About Cancer
MTHFR Basics by Mommypotamus
Once you have a very basic understanding of what it is and have your genetics in-hand, I advise you watch this video, with your genetics printout and notepad in-hand. Dr. Lynch’s Video on MTHFR:
Dr. Ben Lynch, a pioneer in MTHFR science, created this website and resource that includes a forum-
This is a website that includes a forum for discussion of MTHFR
Psychology Today
This is a great blog with many resources on MTHFR.
MTHFR, glutathione and autism connection
Glutathione Pro
Dr. Rawlins has informative notes, lectures, links and treatments for MTHFR.
NW Healthcare
Dr. Neil Rawlin’s most recent lecture on MTHFR. Make sure to watch part 1-4.
A blog about MTHFR and cancer.
A Different Way$%7Bweburl%7D
Genetic testing for your newborn
Babys First Test
Linking HEDS, EDS and Dysautonomia to MTHFR.
Heart fixer is for anyone addressing methylation issues and explains how our sulfur issues should be addressed first.
This website can be translated to Spanish.
Learn About MTHFR
Baby Food Steps. You can find some useful information about MTHFR here.
Useful information about MTHFR and Autism.
Glutathione Pro
Great information on Dr. Jones’ website.
Scientific information / explanation for MTHFR
Primary Psychiatry and Alzheimer’s
Primary Psychiatry and Depressive Disorders
MTHFR, Folate and Dairy Consumption