Rally at the CDC HQ, Atlanta

Here are some photos and videos from the CDC Rally on October 14- 15, 2016. Here’s what you can do from home…

If you support the rally at the CDC today and were not able to attend….you can phone this number and let your voice be heard….they can answer the phone too….I wonder if they would let us speak to Dr. Thompson. If you would like to weigh in phone and share this number….I’m calling NOW ….Phone: 800-CDC-INFO …1 800 232 4636 Press 1 for english and then press 9 and then 2…then 2 again….then 0 They have to take your comments and send them up. – CDC Rally For Truth Facebook Page


Del at the rally speaking to the camera about what the efforts are about and who’s in attendance.

Press Rally – Nation of Islam Tony Mohammad, Producer Del Bigtree, Scientist Brian Hooker, Activist Michelle Ford (sp?), Mom from the Vaxxed movie Sheila Ealey

(Spoiler Alert: Brian Hooker mentions that the CDC Whistleblower William Thompson asked the CDC if he could investigate the relationship between Alzheimer’s Disease and Vaccines and they said no.)

Mom drove by the Vaxxed bus, and stopped to share her story about her son’s death following MMR.

Rally Memories – Vaxxed compiles pictures into a video

Mackenzie Strickland from Health Freedom Florida at the Rally

Biased mainstream news coverage here.

Vaxxed video from the rally here

Hundreds walk and chant outside the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta

Quotes at the rally

Del and the Nation of Islam chanting out

Del, Brian Hooker and the Nation of Islam introduced at the rally

Thomas Jehad speaks out at the rally

Recorded Q&A after the rally can be viewed here

Speakers at the rally – Executive Director, Shannon Mulvihill, RN; Minister Tony Mohammad, (center) Del Bigtree, Michelle Maher Ford, FFH Government Affairs Director, Bobbie Manning & Brian Hooker.





This mom tried to share her story with a CDC employee, and this was his response.


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Some of our favorite people!

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